Help keep our Rotary bulletin full with Rotary activities and speaker information!
See the instructions below for how to ensure your speaker is highlighted and Rotary activities you attend are documented and shared!
If you've gone to the trouble of booking a speaker for a Rotary meeting or attending an event, let's take one more step and make sure we are showcasing these events in our bulletin. It is up to you -- you can ask your speakers to provide a brief synopsis & photo representing their presentation or you can write up a summary & snap a photo at the meeting to share. Don't let the guidelines intimidate you -- it doesn't need to be terribly formal! Below are the guidelines we are requesting each Rotarian follow when submitting stories for the bulletin in order to make the process easy for everyone. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ben Bauer or Sarah Chy (emails are below!).
Story Submission Guidelines
Story Structure:
  • Stories can be submitted in a word document or simply in an email
  • All stories should follow the following structure
    • Title Image
    • Story Brief - Captivating introduction or high level summary of the content
      • Length: 1-3 sentences to 1 paragraph
    • Story Content - “The Rest of the Story”
      • No limit on length
Supportive Images/Graphics:
  • Title Images - An interesting image that shows the essence of the story or gives the reader a visual idea of why they want to keep reading
  • Thumbnail Images: Stories that will be featured in the home page stories, must have a thumbnail
    • Thumbnail Image Dimensions: 600px x 335px
  • Additional Images for Story Content:
    • MUST be sent as separate attachments along with text content
    • Preferred format: jpg or png
    • Preferred size: no larger than 1920px wide

Ready to submit your story?

Thank you for your attention to detail and extra care to make our website and bulletin showcase how great our club is!