Sunrise Rotary Adds 19 Paul Harris Awards
Posted by Bob Trussoni
on May 15, 2013
We had fantastic club participation on the Rotary Foundation drive during the last half of April following a great club presentation on the Foundation from Joe Ruskey. Twenty five members participated contributing a total of $4954. Incentive club points were transferred in the amount of 9238 as matching points and an addition 2480 points were transferred from Bob Trussoni. This resulted in 19 Paul Harris awards, six of which were to first time participants as a Paul Harris Fellow. With these funds, our club is now at 173% of our annual goal with an avergae giving per member of $190.82. We have 1 1/2 month left to the end of the Rotary year so we should look even better by then. Congratulations to the club on this outstanding performance. We Rotarians will now be able to do even more good in the world because of such generous people.