Eleanganny is a small community based around farming and small business in India’s Southeastern State of Tamil Nadu. Men and women work as laborers in the rice and sugarcane fields. Meeting the basic needs of each day takes precedence over planning for the future. The average annual family income is 800$. The average family has 3 children. Public Education in Eleanganny isn’t free, families must pay tuition and other fees to send their children to school. Education is the only way for the children in these rural communities to find more promising opportunities for their futures.
Tuition Support is essential to improve access to existing education. Just 24$ per month could help a child through a year of High School!
A one time donation or the commitment to provide ongoing financial support can make a world of difference for a child’s future. Your gift of any amount can help a child have a brighter future!
Call 715-387-4135 to find out how you can help!