2018 Sunrise Rotary Rose Sale


Important Dates

Sale Period: October 28th - November 8th

Delivery: November 15th

Thank you for your support!

Goal: Every Rotarian sell 20 dozen; If you choose to sell less than 20 dozen but would like to still contribute, donations can be made at a rate of $14 per dozen

Volunteers are able to help deliver, so even if you have challenges delivering please sell and others will help deliver. Delivery assistance to St. Joseph’s, SHP, Fig and Marshfield Clinic will be available again. Please clearly mark the person’s name, department and department # to make deliveries easier.

Sales Flyers and tracking sheets are available from Ben Bauer. Tracking sheets are marked by location and business again this year to make deliveries easier. 

Please turn in money and weekly numbers to Mary Sue Kauer

As you all know this is our club’s major fundraiser. Please help us continue to fund the projects that are important to us.

Please contact Marisa Steinbach or Mary Sue Kauer with any questions.

Good luck and have fun!!!