Sara Schueller presented MACCI with a $1,000 check to support the Leadership Marshfield program. Many of our Rotarians have gone through the program and have shared that their experience has been fantastic. Click 'read more' to see Sara's remarks.
Good evening. I am Sara Schueller and I am honored to be here tonight on behalf of Marshfield Sunrise Rotary. First, I would like to say congratulations to all of the graduates and thank you for your hard work on the different service projects.
For those of you that may not know Marshfield Sunrise Rotary is a fun, enthusiastic group of over 35 members committed to helping each other and neighbors in need. Rotarians work hard to identify community needs and improve the quality of life here at home and around the world.
Members believe and live their lives by the four-way test:
  • Is it the truth
  • Is it fair to all concerned
  • Will It build goodwill and better friendships
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned
Leadership Marshfield is just one of the many projects we support. Each year we send a Rotarian through the program but if no one applies, we then use the money to support start-up costs for the group projects. However, in return we ask for two things. First, that your group presents your service project at one of our monthly meetings and second, that you consider joining Rotary.
So on behalf of Marshfield Sunrise Rotary I am happy to present to the Chamber Foundation a check in the amount of $1000.00 for Leadership Marshfield.