Check out these awesome volunteer opportunities coming up and sign up soon!
Adopt-A-Highway: Join us October 1st from 5:30-6:30pm to clean up our stretch of Highway 10. Please review the available slots at this link and click on the button to sign up. Any questions, please call or text John Baur at 715-218-2759.
Sign up here!
Ronald McDonald House Meals: Volunteers are needed on the second Thursday of each month to prepare either breakfast (7-8 am) or dinner (5-6 pm) for 15-25 people at the house. All cooking utensils are provided, but volunteers should bring the ingredients for their meal and contact the house 24-72 hours in advance to confirm the menu and headcount.
Sign up here!
Pollinator Garden: Get your hands dirty and plant some pollinator plants, remove invasive species, and update the signage at the Marshfield Outdoor Learning Sanctuary (this project is supported by a $3,500 District Grant!)
Email Ben to sign up.
Wine & Cheese Event: Get your sip on and help us plan and promote our Wine and Cheese event that last happened pre-pandemic (and raised over $15k for our club!)
Email Denise to sign up.
Service Above Self
Room 126
Marshfield, WI 54449
United States of America